Monaco Vs Toulouse

Footy on the Med begins and ends at Monaco and the Stade Louis II. Yes, this is where John and Alex recorded their first podcast, this is where season 2 began, and this is where season 2 wended to an end. Not without some drama, as Monaco’s ultras didn’t take kindly to their team’s defeat to Toulouse. The reverse meant Monaco failed to qualify for any kind of European competition, speaking fury from their devotees and a sterling performance from Foot Five’s Yousseff, on duty at the home end as a steward and not standing for any nonsense. Chair covers were ripped off and thrown, a man invaded the pitch and got himself arrested and the ultras made more than a racket. How to cover all this? FOTM-style, of course. Monaco 1 Toulouse 2 was recorded on Saturday 3 June at the Stade Louis II.


Monaco Vs Strasbourg


Grasse Vs Lyon La Duchère⁠